Human Resources
Our Human Resources Support & Services team has a unique combination of business and human resources management experience and functional skills. The team will ensure fair and consistent employment practices to reduce organizational liability.
In our litigious and regulatory society where employees are increasingly savvy about their rights and options, managing these human resources is a time consuming liability for any organization. McNamara & Associates, Inc. offers experienced business professionals with expertise in Human Resources Management to reduce liability and make recommendations to yield a high–performing, high–producing team, allowing functional management to focus on their core competencies.
McNamara & Associates, Inc. also offers a retained services program which provides high level support, responding to questions relating to employment practices, benefits, laws / compliance issues, and general human resources questions.
In our litigious and regulatory society where employees are increasingly savvy about their rights and options, managing these human resources is a time consuming liability for any organization. McNamara & Associates, Inc. offers experienced business professionals with expertise in Human Resources Management to reduce liability and make recommendations to yield a high–performing, high–producing team, allowing functional management to focus on their core competencies.
McNamara & Associates, Inc. also offers a retained services program which provides high level support, responding to questions relating to employment practices, benefits, laws / compliance issues, and general human resources questions.